Doctor B’s Best at the VA Food & Beverage Expo

Dr. B recently participated in the Virginia Food & Beverage Expo in Richmond, VA, where he introduced his original, walnut, coconut and cinnamon pecan cookies for the first time to potential wholesale buyers. The response was overwhelming and really validated the value of a nutritious cookie that’s also delicious.

Attendees’ responses were great! People would bite into a cookie and exclaim, “Wow! This really does taste good! It’s really healthy?! May I have another one?” Buyers began discussing how everyone is looking for nutritious snacks and brainstorming how they could sell these cookies to so many people: Moms looking for a healthy cookie for their children and family, athletes and health-conscious adults looking for a healthy snack, infused with protein to keep them satisfied as well as happy with the taste, and everyone interested in a healthy good tasting alternative. Owners of vending machines wanted a healthy alternative for their vending machines! Fast food stores were interested in providing a healthy option for consumers on the go!

Look for Dr. B’s Best Cookies in your favorite marketplace or order them directly here!

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